Revised Plans

So we're now in July, and RPGMaker Trans v5 is not around. Most of this is due to circumstances beyond my control, such as real life work and Ruby JSON libraries not really being up to the spec that they promise.

I'm currently assessing the scope of the problem. My gut says that I'm probably best off doing away with the Ruby dependency completely and implementing Ruby marhsalling in Python. However I am also investigating if there is some way of hacking Ruby to give me some kind of transparent JSON+Binary string serialisation. Open classes may actually be good for that.

In addition, I'm also plugging away at bug reports. There will likely be an interim bugfix release within the next week or so which should fix some of the problems people have been having.

Linux Support

Considering that I do all my development on Linux, it seems surprising that I don't offer a Linux download of RPGMaker Trans. This basically comes down to two things.

  1. Linux users are normally fairly technical folks, and able to install from source.
  2. Packaging stuff for Linux is a real pain, especially as PySide does not support Python 3.5, which is what modern distro's offer.

Fortunately the recent containerisation work has meant that packaging RPGMaker Trans should be possible. My plan is that RPGMaker Trans v5 will be released for Linux as a Flatpak bundle.

As to Macs... I actually do have access to a Mac, but I've never been able to get the GUI versions of RPGMaker Trans to work on it. If I can, I'd be more than willing to drop it on there. But for now, it's a pipe dream.


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